Preserving and restoring the world's forests represents today's most powerful actions against climate change.

Our vision is to create the largest and most modern operator of sustainable tropical hardwood forests and inherent forest-based carbon sequestration from reduced impact logging, biomass, and reforestation initiatives. We wish to become the biggest protector of natural forests, biodiversity, and all lives involved.

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About us

We sustainably manage and preserve the tropical forest for the benefit of the climate, biodiversity, and the local population


Forset Group has a complete and comprehensive approach to all ESG matters. Every investment and every action taken by Forset Group satisfies the ESG criteria to the highest standards. We possess complete control over our value chain. Through this, we can ensure CO2-negative operations, social responsibility, and full transparency both internally and externally. Our forest and forest operations comply with the world’s most trusted forest management certification, the FSC certification, and follow the highest standards.

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To contribute to United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, we manage our business to the highest ESG standards. Forset Group's core values are centered around the UN's SDG, which affects all activities and every internal and external aspect of the company. 

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Sustainable Development goals

Join our team

We welcome professionals looking for a vibrant work environment who possess entrepreneurial drive and seek to work to protect the tropical forests and the biodiversity in these forests and fight climate change. 

Please contact for information on open positions.

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Partners & certifications

Forset Group considers our partnerships with these companies, initiatives, and organizations as evidence of responsible forest management, implemented according to the highest ESG standards currently available.