Forset Group has a complete and comprehensive approach to all ESG matters. Every investment and every action taken by Forset Group satisfies the ESG criteria to the highest standards. We possess complete control over our value chain. Through this, we can ensure CO2-negative operations, social responsibility, and full transparency both internally and externally. Our forest and forest operations comply with the world’s most trusted forest management certification, the FSC certification, and follow the highest standards.

Social initiatives

Forset Group’s sustainable forest operations provide a stable economic foundation, securing competitive salaries for a workforce of more than 1,300 people and thereby enabling them to provide for their families, which are approximately 10,000 local inhabitants, while our forest is home to 6,000 indigenous people.

We construct and maintain local infrastructure, including schools, medical facilities, water, electricity, and public buildings. In addition, Forset Group adds many social benefits to the local welfare, including health insurance, access to safe vaccines, medical equipment, and company-run medical centers with qualified personnel.

We perform around 13,000 medical consultations yearly. We have ensured the local community free access to electricity and clean drinking water - 90-million-liter drinking water and 1.7 MWh of electricity on a yearly basis.

Forset Group believes in equal opportunities. We invest in quality education, providing indigenous pupils with access to education, including computer courses and a collection of over 9,000 books available at the school’s library.


Preserving Earth’s natural tropical rainforests are one of the most important weapons against climate change. 247 billion tonnes of carbon are stored in tropical forests. 80% of the world’s documented species can be found in tropical natural forests, and 60 million indigenous people living in these areas are dependent on forest resources.

Forset Group protects wildlife in our forest in the Ngombé province and maintain biodiversity. Our wildlife includes over 70.000 gorillas, 4.000 elephants, and other species such as buffalos, monkeys, crocodiles, birds, bats, and insects.

We work in close cooperation with the state-authorized eco-guards. We currently have 39 eco-guard units that patrol the forest against poaching. This close cooperation between the state and the private sector for sustainable wildlife management is an arrangement that is special to the Republic of Congo.


Sustainable Development Goals

To contribute to United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, we manage our business to the highest ESG standards. Forset Group's core values are centered around the UN's SDG, which affects all activities and every internal and external aspect of the company. 

Find out how Forset Group contributes to the UNs’ SDG by clicking on the icons. 

Fair wages, housing, electricity

Over 1.300 employees, free access to electricity and clean drinking water

Medical centre

More than 12.500 medical consultations, access to medical equipment and vaccines

School for indigenous children

Access to educational facilities, free access to a 9.000 books library and IT courses

Sustainable business

Creating jobs and supports local economic growth

Community and indigenous peoples' meeting

More than 150 meetings

Protection of sites

Use of GPS and drone technology

Pollution free operations

Ensuring protection of natural water in rivers and costal areas

Protection of endangered animals

Including 4.000 elephants and 70.000 gorillas